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LifeSaver-A Portable Veterinary Anesthesia Machine

  • Respiration mode: IPPV,SIMV,MANUAL.

    Display: 5.5’ SNT screen

    Waveform: P-t, V-t

    Tidal volume: 0,50ml~1600ml

    Respiratory frequency: 1 to 65 BPM

    I:E ratio: 8:1~1:8

    Alarm parameters: High pressure alarm,Low pressure alarm,O2 source lost alarm ,AC power lost alarm

    High Pressure alarm limit: 20~60cmH2O

    Low Pressure alarm Limit: 0~20cmH2O

    Monitor Parameters: Tidal volume, MV, Ppeak, PEEP, respiratory frequency, I:E ratio.

    Safety valve pressure limit: 6Kpa

    Good air tightness,high reliability,and minor respiration impedance

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